Feedback & Complaints
Bridges Health & Community Care Ltd (BHCC) recognises everyone’s right to express their views about their experience with our services.
BHCC welcomes feedback, including complaints, comments or compliments from clients, carers, family members, or other services and the wider community. This feedback is used to assist BHCC in directing the improvement of our services and processes.
You can provide feedback about any aspect of the way BHCC conducts its work, by emailing enquiries@bas.org.au. Feedback forms are also available in all BHCC offices. Alternatively, you can call us on Telephone: 1300 707 655 or you can write to us by Fax: 07 4151 6186 or by post to PO Box 4 Bundaberg, Qld 4670.
When making a complaint, it is important that you explain the problem and how you would like it resolved.
A BHCC member of staff can speak with you directly about your complaint and if you need an interpreter, we can arrange one for you.
If you lodge a complaint, we aim to resolve your concern promptly and we will endeavour to inform you of the outcome as soon as practicable. More information is available in our Feedback, Complaints and Compliments Policy and Procedure.
We are also committed to ensuring that your personal information is protected.
Our Privacy Policy sets out Bridges Health & Community Care's personal information handling practices and how we may collect, use, disclose and protect your personal information you provide us during the feedback process.
Where service users and or stakeholders do not feel comfortable making a complaint to BHCC Ltd directly, they are able to access an alternative complaints process. This is detailed in the information Service Users receive when they first commence services with BHCC Ltd.
There are several agencies or regulators where Service Users can lodge an external complaint (depending on which program they access). If you would like to complain to an external organisation relating to your experience with BHCC or our services, please find below links.
Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
1300 419 495
Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services
1800 080 464
Online Complaint form: www.qld.gov.au/contact-us/complaints
Department of Employment and Workplace Relations National Customer Service Line for Time to Work Employment Service
1800 805 260
National Disability Abuse and Neglect Hotline
1800 880 052
National Disability Insurance Agency
1800 800 110
Office of the Health Ombudsman
133 646
Queensland Health
The Commonwealth Ombudsman
1300 362 072
Online Complaint Form: