Handy Tools
What resources can we make available to you?

For those of you who are experiencing stress, anxiety, or insomnia.
We review an app that could contribute positively to your mental health after it's first use!
10 minute webinar

For education providers who want reduce bullying and achieve improved mental health?
In this 8- minute video, Kate shows how educators use the 'Smiling Minds' app to improve the mental wellbeing of their students, and to reduce instances of bullying.
10 minute webinar

For those who want to feel in control of their mood swings
In this 9-minute webinar, Aaron explains how you can use Mood Prism on your smart phone to empower yourself with specific insights on what affects your mood, at a personal level.
10 minute webinar

For anyone who suspects they or a loved-one might have PTSD.
In this 9-min webinar, Daniel explains how the techniques in the PTSD Australia app can help you to create a physical change in your brain, which is an essential part of the healing process.
10 minute webinar