Child, youth & family
Never has there been a greater need for parents and guardians to pay close attention to the mental health and wellbeing of our children, young people, and the family unit. Early Intervention for mental health issues and distress can reduce the long-term effects for young people and their families.
The Bridges services to support child, youth and family clients include:
Family Mental Health Support Services - North and South Burnett. For children and young people aged between 0 to 18 showing early warning signs of mental health issues.
Youth Support Services - North Burnett – Gayndah, Biggenden and Mundubbera only. For children and young people aged between 8 to 21 seeking support for a range of issues.
Bail Support Services – Bundaberg. For children and young people aged between 10 to 17 that are on bail.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment Services - North Burnett, Wide Bay and Fraser Coast. For children and young people aged from 12 years old.
Breakthrough for Families Queensland - Information and support services for families including children who have been/are impacted by someone’s problematic alcohol and drug issues.
How to refer:
We receive self-referrals, or referrals from other agencies where consent is granted. For children and young people aged 14 and under, we require parent or guardian consent.
To start your journey, contact us about Bridges child, youth, and family services.
Phone: 1300 707 655
Our child youth and family services are FREE
Other third-party Resources:
NAPCAN - Click below for free PDF download.
For individuals and families who are seeking support for their mental wellbeing.
An online self-help Cognitive Behavioural Therapy services for people suffering from anxiety, stress and/or depression
A free prevention intervention and treatment service for young people aged 8-12, teenagers aged 12-17 and parents of young people.
This online parenting resource equips parents with free, reliable and independent information to support family unit mental wellbeing and resilience in a 21st Century way.
Child Safety at Bridges
As a Child Safe Organisation Bridges Health & Community Care Ltd is committed to the safety and wellbeing of children and the protection of children from harm in fulfilment of the requirements of the Section 3 (1) (a) of the Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Regulation 2011 (Qld) (‘The Regulation’).
The Risk Management Strategy (Children) and Child Safe Policies can be viewed here and are reviewed annually and updated when applicable. Bridges Health & Community Care Ltd respect all children and have a zero tolerance for child abuse.
As of July 2021 all adults (any person over 18 years of age) have a legal obligation to report to police a reasonable belief that a child sexual offence is being committed, or has been committed, against a child. A failure to protect and a failure to report are criminal offences pursuant to the Criminal Code 1899 (Qld) Sections 229BB Failure to Protect, and 229BC Failure to Report.
Funding acknowledgements:
These Bridges services receive funding from: Department of Social Services; Department of Youth Justice, Queensland Health Community Services Funding Branch..