re-entry services team
Bridges CREST team provides information, education and post-release support for clients in the Maryborough Correctional Centre. We are able to support clients in the following Queensland Regions: Fraser Coast, Sunshine Coast, the South West Region including Dalby and Miles, in addition to the South Burnett Region.

Services in-prison
We offer information and education for people sentenced in the Maryborough Correctional Centre and post-release support services in the community for people on parole.
Bridges provides the following services in-prison:
Information and education on community and health services;
Referrals prior to release to help address key issues that can lead to relapse on release, such as unstable housing, drug and alcohol issues, domestic violence and counselling;
Group information sessions for people on remand and sentenced; and
Goal setting and tailored individual plans.
Services in community
We provide the following services in the community:
Post-release support to former prisoners to achieve success on parole and stay out of prison.
Advocacy and access to services, including immediate support when at risk of relapse.
Refer to service
Referrals for the program are exclusively approved by Queensland Corrective Services. The service is voluntary in the prison and the community and managed through internal QCS processes. In some instances it may be a condition of parole.
Service location
We deliver the program in the North Coast region covering the Fraser Coast, Sunshine Coast regions, South West as far as Dalby and Miles and throughout the South Burnett region of Queensland.
Funding acknowledgement
Funded by the Queensland Corrective Services